Publishing Lost Knowledge
Below is a 23 cell table containing the cover images of all 22 Atlan Formularies' (Kurt Saxon's) books. There are an additional 30 books in this set of DVDs covering everything from home businesses, crafts, trades and cottage industries. The twenty-third cell in the table below has a few lines of text describing some of the other contents that can be found in this DVD set. The printed versions of the books in the table below would retail for $25 apiece, or $550 for all twenty-two titles. Of the remaining thirty books in this DVD set, most of them are old enough to be in the public domain. I imagine if one hunted good and hard one could find used copies of all those titles for $70 to $100. I have been told by several people who opinions I trust and admire, that the OTR (Old Time Radio) files alone in this set are worth at least two or three times the $150 full retail price of these disks. Adding up these three items alone, not including the six hours of video files and forty hours of Kurt's short-wave radio shows, and you've easily got over a grand ($1,000) worth of information and entertainment. "Left click" on any of the cover images below to bring up a full scale image of that book's cover in a window of it's own. After viewing a full scale version of a book cover, you can either close the window and choose another cover to enlarge. Or you can scroll to the bottom of the "full scale" window and use the "Back" and "Next" buttons to "walk" your way through all the full scale cover images. FOR A LIMITED TIME On Our Super Survival DVD Set! If you would, please type the Discount Coupon code "Winter_2012" in the "Enter Coupon Code" field on our online order form, then click OK. You will only be charged $125 and that includes postage! This $32.95 discount "only applies" to our two DVD set and "The Whole Enchilada Less The CDs". The T.W.E. Less The CDs contains the books The Survivor; Volumes: 2 & 4, Both Granddad's Wonderful Books of Chemistry & Electricity, The Complete Housewife - 1758 and our DVD set. To go directly to "The Whole Enchilada Less The CDs" order page please click here. Although the above discount coupon code will work on any order equaling or exceeding $149.95, this discount will only be honored with a DVD set or The Whole Enchilada Less The CDs order. In fact anyone found trying to apply this discount anywhere else in our online catalog, will find their credit/debit card being charged the full retail price of their order + shipping + a $10 service charge for trying to pull "a fast one". There's a simple click here link just below this table that will allow you to purchase a set of these DVDs.
Please click here to PRE-order your set of Super Survival DVDs.
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(Unless Mentioned Otherwise) ©2012
By Atlan Formularies, Post Office Box 95, Alpena, Arkansas 72611-0095