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Extraterrestrials In The Bible

by Kurt Saxon

Since 1947 when "Flying Saucers" first began to appear to pilots and then to just plain folks, extra-terrestrials have been almost a fad. A question is; where were they before 1947? Actually, such visitors have been reported periodically for centuries. However, before we called them extra-terrestrials, people called them witches, goblins and various other names for lack of a better frame of reference.

It should be obvious that ETs would not want to be recognized as such. They would have had nothing to give to our witch-hunting, superstitious ancestors. Nor would modern ETs care to mix it up with our jet planes, unless they were numerous enough to engage us in total war.

But it's only in science fiction that armadas of space invaders attack Earth. Space travel would be undertaken by beings based on a home planet, to whom such endeavors would be scientific, exploratory and finally the last resort of a relative few escaping a dying planet. War would be just too expensive, regardless of their economic system.

More realistically, the ships would leave the home planet singly as scouts and later with colonists. They would have a general destination based on astronomical calculations. Their destination might be simply a star cluster hopeful of having life-supporting planets.

The takeoffs might be a year apart and the voyages could take centuries. The scouts would explore likely planets and if a planet were promising, a crew might stay around for years, possibly with the intent to prepare the planet for habitation. This might entail anything from rearranging the planet's surface, changing its atmosphere, to modifying its life-forms to be of service to the prospective colonists.

Naturally, marker buoys would be planted along the route, reporting on the findings; intelligent life, if any, and possibly warning latecomers away from a particularly hostile environment or population.

Nearly every modern close encounter brings reports of little men with grayish skin, large eyes, slits for mouth and nostrils and totally unable to pass for human. So one can be excused for imagining ETs as totally alien, looking nothing like us. Modern ETs are most likely beings from a different star system than those who visited our planet ages ago. They are probably on their way to a planet more suitable. Whether or not our planet might do, we are too numerous, well-armed and potentially hostile to aliens for them to consider Earth a final destination.

Our own ancestors may have been ETs who got here long before our modern ETs left their own planets. Unlike our present series of visitors, the ETs who came to Earth thousands of years ago were much like us; possibly, not even superior to modern Western man.

It is likely that the ETs who figured so prominently in the Old Testament also visited other races, upgrading the aboriginal from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon. It could have taken thousands of years while successive groups tried to upgrade Earth's dull-witted savages to people who could be domesticated to the status of dependable servants.

There are still remnants of unchanged savages alive on Earth today. These are the Australian aborigines, New Guinea natives, African Bushmen and Pygmies, Amerindians and Japanese Ainus.

Most like the original Neanderthals are the Australian and New Guinea aboriginals. The Tasmanian aborigines, extinct since the early 1800s were so low on the scale of evolution that they could not conceive by Europeans.

Aside from the gods in the legends of so many of Earth's ancestral peoples, the most thorough record of ET visitations is in the 01d Testament. To better understand what follows you should take time to read from Genesis through Joshua. Read it as you would any book on history, objectively, without belief or disbelief, but only for content.

Read it, knowing it to be the written account of oral tradition, experiences and observations of a people who honestly believed it to represent their god. If you read it thus, objectively, you will see a pattern of a logical progression of many generations of a people conditioned to the service of extra-terrestrials. Accounts which make no religious or philosophical sense are completely rational when serving the interests of extra-terrestrials.

If you read these first six books of the Old Testament you will recognize this pattern. The first part is the creation of modern man, or Cro-Magnon. Then there are periods of little or no contact. Then the Lord maps out the proposed territory of his chosen people.

The overall plan was to create and condition a race of servants, isolate them in a territory of their own and then use them for a more or less permanent food supply for the orbiting ETs.

Genesis 1:26-27, ''And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness---' (27) 'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.'"

Now we jump to the Garden of Eden. Eden was obviously a research facility where Neanderthals, lower animals and prospective plant species could be upgraded to usefulness to the ETs. Then, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." (Gen. 6:1,2 & 4). By the time the Homo-Sapiens were functional Cro-Magnons the ETs were between a rock and a hard place. They had raised Homo-Sapiens from congenital savagery to tribalists but feared a progression to a more civilized status, wherein the new man might be above ET influence.

Bible scholars have questioned why a tree of knowledge should have been in the Garden of Eden if man was not supposed to eat from it. If Eden were a research facility, the ETs were not only developing cereals and vegetables to adapt to Earth's soils and climate, but would have planted their own varieties to raise in greater volume than their own hydroponicums could accommodate.

The forbidden fruit was probably on a tree the ETs had reserved for themselves. (Gen. 3:1-7). It could indeed have been a mind-expanding drug which made New Man more aware than he was meant to be by the ETs.

At any rate, Cro-Magnon was developed and aware and no longer a part of a control group. So that facet of the mission was scrubbed and Man was evicted from Eden and Eden was abandoned to the weeds.

Years went by and ETs made overtures to Cain and Abel, descendants of their specimens in Eden. (Gen. 4:1-15). In their offerings to their Lord, Cain gave of the fruit of the ground while Abel gave sheep. The ETs rejected Cain's vegetables but accepted Abel's sheep. This turned out to be a diplomatic blunder.

Regardless of the size of the mother ship, the hydroponicums would not have provided the surplus needed to feed animals larger than rabbits and chickens, if they had them. The ETs, probably out of contact with our planet's surface for years, were starved for MEAT! And fat. After all, as it takes a surplus of vegetation to produce meat, it takes a still greater surplus to fatten that meat. Hence, the later taboo against the Children of Israel eating fat. (Lev. 3:17). The ETs wanted it considered as a delicacy reserved for themselves.

Had the ET graciously accepted Cain's offer, the first murder would not have been committed. But he rejected the offering and, in a fit of jealous rage, Cain killed Abel. The ET had to punish Cain but stopped short of killing him. People have wondered why Cain was protected from other men who might have killed him. But it was the ET's fault, hence the protection.

The next contact worth giving credence to came generations later after Terah, Abraham's father, left Ur of the Chaldees and settled in Haran. (Gen. 11:31). Then the Lord appeared to Abraham, (Gen. 12:7), while his nephew, Lot, was with him. It is most likely that Lot also saw the Lord, as he later knew an ET when he saw one.

Abraham's wife was barren, (Gen. 11:30), and in verse 18 we have a face-to-face, man-to-man conference between Abraham, the Lord and two of his lieutenants. The Lord's promise to cause old Sarah to have a child could only have been an example of artificial insemination. (Gen. 21:1-3). This chapter is both interesting and amusing so you ought to read it. It even has Abraham pleading for the lives of those in Sodom and the surrounding towns.

Of course, the ETs meant to wipe out those towns, as that was their first recourse to any problem with Earth people. The excuse of "wickedness" on the part of the victims was only a story for those they were working with at the time. Otherwise, Abraham and Lot might have considered the ETs enemies rather than gods.

Read Genesis 19 as the most graphic account of ETs in the Bible. Verse 1 has the two ''angels'' approaching Sodom where Lot sees them and recognizes them for who they are. Bowing, he asks them to stay with him. They don't want to but he's probably attracting so much attention to them that they are forced to go home with him.

Next, the townsmen demand to know the strangers. For some reason later Bible commentators interpreted this "know" to mean carnal knowledge, as if the townsmen were a pack of aggressive homosexuals wanting to rape the strangers. That's nonsense. Lot lived in Sodom and knew the people. He would not have offered them his daughters had they wanted sex from the strangers. And of course, the townsmen were justified in their suspicions, as the strangers were indeed spies, scouting the town preparatory to destroying it.

But what follows is something all the commentators missed. The townsmen are trying to get in and the strangers "smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door ".

Look, if you were trying to get into someone's house and were struck blind, you'd forget about the door in a hurry. They weren't blind in the sense that they couldn't see. They just saw a door where there was a wall and a wall where the door was. In short, the ETs used some kind of weapon or tool which caused their vision to be refracted.

Next day the ETs persuaded Lot and his household to flee the town, after which, (Gen. 19:12-28), "The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire out of heaven and overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground". (28) "and he (Abraham) looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace".

Now, that's just the way a primitive would describe a nuclear attack. And if true, it couldn't have been anything else.

From Sodom until the time of the exodus from Egypt, the ETs were hardly in evidence. They may have been circling the planet or off exploring but they pretty much left the Israelites to their own devices for several hundred years.

When they returned, the people were living in Egypt. They were an underclass but not necessarily slaves; pretty much like the Palestinians in Israel today.

However, as their numbers increased, their loyalty was questioned, they were mistreated and they might have been wiped out. But the ETs decided it was time to collect them and settle them in the promised territory. Canaan was big enough and potentially rich enough to insure the ETs all the supplies they needed.

But Canaan was occupied by many small but well-armed kingdoms. And the Israelites were soft, at least as compared to their seminomadic ancestors who settled in Egypt during a famine. So the majority of them would not have wanted to leave Egypt. Nor would the Egyptians have wanted to lose their menials and domestics.

The ETs had a real problem. How to get a whole people to leave a place they didn't want to leave, to go to a place they didn't want to go to. And how to get the Egyptians to cut loose from a large block of their labor force.

Moses and his brother Aaron were to work on the people, agitating, preaching and promising. Then the Egyptians had to be persuaded to release the people.

Exodus 10:1 has the first reference to the Lord hardening Pharaoh's heart. The phrase is repeated often. Scholars have long had trouble with that. For, if the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, Pharaoh was blameless. Some say it was just an archaic turn of phrase which didn't mean what it obviously did mean.

In envisioning a higher being, Bible scholars cannot accept the added misery of the people and the slaughter of Egyptian innocents as deliberate. But it was. The overall idea was to so alienate the Israelites and the Egyptians that the Israelites could not return to Egypt and so would be stuck with Moses, Aaron and the ETs.

In convincing Pharaoh of the ET's power, some of the tricks of Moses were duplicated by the Egyptian priests. Some could have been done by moderns with airships and some are beyond us, but not beyond the realms of a higher technology. Some are simply stories. One problem with some of these accounts is that some which scholars believe to have been made up are easily explainable by the presence of ETs.

In their dealings with the Israelites, the ETs constantly displayed a "heads we win, tails you lose" policy. Whatever worked, the ETs took credit for it. Whatever didn't work, they blamed it on backsliding by the people, or even the sins of individuals.

But there were many instances where this policy just couldn't be applied. Furthermore, whereas the ETs did their best to make the people believe that each of the many "Lords'' were a single god, an overview of the incidents shows them to have been several different people, and actually superior only because of a higher technology.

For instance, Judges 1:19 says "And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron". Now, if ''the Lord'' could not defeat people who had chariots of iron, then the Lord was no god.

Even so, there is a possible indication of what kind of tool or weapon the ETs were using. You may have a microwave oven, or at least you know about them. You've also probably heard of the Russians beaming microwaves at U.S. embassies and intelligence installations. The ETs might have refined microwave beams which could kill humans.

However, microwaves are nullified by metals. So although microwaves might have been used to kill primitive soldiers carrying no metals but swords and spear points, an iron-sheathed chariot would have nullified them.

Additionally, there is a humorous story in Exodus 17:9-12. During a battle with Amalek, Moses held up his hand. As long as his hand was up, his side won. When he tired and dropped his hand, the battle went against his side. When he was exhausted, Aaron and Hur each held up one of his hands and they carried on this farce until sundown.

You must realize that the position of Moses' hands could have had nothing to do with the battle itself. Surely his men weren't willing to let themselves be butchered just because Moses' hands were down.

So we can only suppose that they were getting help from above. One can imagine the ETs manning a hovering scout ship, seeing everything and zapping one Amalekite after another while they could see Moses' hands and then taking a break when he was tired. How they must have laughed at Aaron and Hur, each holding up a hand until sundown.

One story causing controversy for centuries is the one about Joshua arranging for the sun and moon to stand still so that one group of primitives could wipe out another group of primitives. Even saying it was the Earth which stopped revolving, makes no sense.

However, that the sun and moon stood still may not have been a lie, at least insofar as the primitives would know. To people who never saw a light brighter than a campfire or torch after sundown, floodlights shining down from a space ship would indeed have given those people the impression that the sun and moon were overhead.

Then there is the Ark of the Covenant. After the ETs were long gone, the Ark was trouble. Many have speculated that the Ark was a receiving set whereby the high priests communicated with the ETs. But there is a strong possibility that, after the Ark had served its purpose and the ETs meant to depart Earth, they booby trapped it out of spite and frustration over their failure to utilize the people they had
chosen to serve them.

Consider; in 1 Samuel 4:10-11, the Ark was captured by the Philistines. The tale of Dagon, the Philistine god, falling before the Ark, was obviously made up later by an Israelite. What is interesting however, is that the Philistines were smitten with "emerods", (tumors) and many died. (1 Sam. 5:6-12).

Had the ETs been around, the Ark would not have been taken. Also, the booby trapping was probably done with radioactive material. The Philistines crowding around their trophy had gotten radiation sickness. Later, in verse 19, an inflated figure of 50,000 were smitten.

In 2 Samuel 6:6-7, Uzzah touches the Ark to keep it from falling and drops dead. That may have been a heart attack but was more likely an electrical charge. It does seem reasonable to believe that when the ETs were circling Earth the Ark was a sending and receiving set powered by electricity and protected from the uninitiated by a lethal jolt. So whatever was in the Ark or on it, it was not to be touched, looked into or crowded around. There's no way of knowing exactly what kind of power the Ark had, but it was obviously power from another and a more advanced civilization.

On reading the Bible, one might ask such questions as why wasn't Aaron punished for making the golden calf and why did the Lord kill Moses? Neither question can be answered from a religious standpoint but both are simple when considering the interests of extra-terrestrials.

The ETs didn't really do anything for the people. And when you read of the huge amount of livestock sacrificed to them you'll understand why the Israelites had to be convinced the ETs were not men from another solar system, but gods.

The sacrifices were the core of the matter. The people were taught that they were burnt and their smoke was a ''sweet savor unto the Lord". Of course a lot was burnt for effect. But it's only reasonable to suppose most of the meat was transported up into the ships. Also, the ETs ate just like you and I.

Exodus 25:29-30 tells of the Lord's eating utensils. The altar in the tabernacle was not an altar but a cookstove. Altars don't need grates. (Ex. 27:3-4). Exodus 29:22-25 even describes the Lord's menu. Aaron was most likely the Lord's chief attendant and even his cook. (Ex. 28-30).

So Aaron was as close to the Lord as anyone. Had Aaron believed the Lord(s) to be a god or gods he would not have made the golden calf, (Ex. 32:1-5), no matter what the people wanted.

Aaron was an opportunist who played on every side. He told Moses one of the biggest whoppers in the Bible and his trusting brother probably believed him. (Ex. 32:21-24). Actually, the ETs needed this cynical opportunist as a front man, so Aaron was spared.

But Moses was a different matter. His main work was finished but "his eye was not dim, nor his natural forces abated'', Deut. 34:7. Bible scholars give all kinds of reasons why Moses was kept out of the Promised Land but Deut. 34:4-7 gives none. The truth may be that it would not do for the honest and sincere Moses to blow the ET's cover as he sat around the camp fires reminiscing about his closeness to the Lord.

Going back to the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, we can only suppose the ETs had coached Moses and Aaron to be so arrogant that Pharaoh could not give in without seeming weak to his people. What with the demonstrations of Moses' (ET) power, Pharaoh was challenged and so could not back down.

At any rate, the Israelites got away only to end up in an inhospitable desert with the Promised Land before them. It seems the ETs really believed the Israelites, softened by centuries of peace and relatively easy living, could just march into Canaan and take over.

But the ETs were people, not gods. The land they had promised the Israelites was not theirs, nor was it known to them. From their ships it looked like only small villages surrounded by many miles of nothing. Had they had god-like knowledge there would have been no need to send spies. Read the 13th chapter of Numbers and you'll see that the ETs had no idea of the strength of the Canaanites.

In the same chapter the spies return and ten of the twelve report that the territory cannot be taken by the Israelites. You want screaming and bitching? Read chapter 14 of Numbers where Moses nearly lost his life to the now angry mob. The Lord intervenes and saves Moses and Moses has to talk the Lord out of killing the lot. So instead of killing them and being proved an incompetent for setting the people a task which they simply were not up to, the Lord laid all the blame on them. Then the ET did the only thing possible to save the mission. In decreeing that only those under twenty years of age and their children should see the Promised Land, he not only saved face but guaranteed that when the real campaign began, only the young, the toughened and the fanatic would be in the battles. (Num. 14:26-35).

Although the warring lasted for many years the Lord was not able to help the Israelites to take all the land promised, as you'll see if you read the whole of Joshua chapter 13.

Even so, the tribes had been so conditioned for war that they had to fight anyone and each other and so had no time for the Lord. So he/they said to hell with it and left. It's hard to tell when the ETs actually left. The books after Joshua have the tribes so embroiled in petty intrigues and fratricidal wars that not even real gods could have kept their attention.

Needless to say, whatever the ETs had planned for the Israelites they failed miserably. Not only did they fail in the promise, but their "land of milk and honey" was just about the worst choice ETs could have made for their servants. It was a main caravan route, hotly contested by the Egyptians, Philistines, Syrians, etc. It's been an international battleground for thousands of years; the last place a real god would choose in which to be served by a people of peace and plenty.

Actually, the first six books of the Bible read more like science fiction than religion if you only put the tale in its proper perspective. Just imagine you were one of the numerous Lords (Captains) visiting this planet off and on for centuries.

Your ancestors had turned a race of Neanderthals into Cro-Magnons who believed ETs were gods. Now it's your job to mold them into a race of obedient servants with their own defensible territory who will supply your orbiting people with all the planet has to offer.

That's what the ETs wanted. They did their best to isolate the Israelites from foreign influence. They used all their technology to make the Israelites believe the ETs were gods to whom magic was natural. They gave them endless laws and rituals to keep them so busy they wouldn't have time to think.

But they couldn't give the majority of the people what they needed to achieve the good life, and the freedom to think and to create. So the ETs melted away, leaving little more than legends and ceremonies to remember them by.

There is no reason for us to feel harshly toward the ETs. Nor need we be grateful, since all they did was for themselves. But they were, literally, our creators. First by genetic selection and then by artificial insemination and mating. So, in a sense, they haven't gone. They're here; they're us.



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