- I. RODALE,Editor-in-Chief
Robert Rodale, Editor
Jerome Olds, Executive Editor
- C. Goldman,Managing Editor
Maurice Franz, Managing Editor
Jerry Minnich, Associate Editor
Compilation Supervised by Dorothy Franz and Jerome Olds
An Introduction To The Forward
Of The Above Volume
To the best of my knowledge, the above book has been out of print for more than twenty years. Clicking on the “Title” link will take you to a book sales page where you can buy a good used copy of this work starting at $19.95 (as of Friday, 06/03/09). Clicking on the “Organic Gardening” link will take you to that magazine’s home page. And clicking on the “RODALE PRESS, EMMAUS, PENNSYLVANIA” link will take you to that publisher’s hp.
The text and images from the following web pages were scanned from the twelfth (June, 1976) printing of this book. It was originally copyrighted in 1961. It is 926 pages thick, and I have no intention publishing the entire work to the web. Only those parts or sections of this book that I find the most interesting, informative and entertaining will be what I will bother with converting into a web page.
The “Forward” of this book is thirty-five pages long. So I’ve chopped it into two parts/web pages, the first of which you’ll see on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. You’ll get the second half sometime in the following weeks.
I think that where ever you see a dollar amount concerning the cost &/or savings of producing your own organic produce, that said dollars are in 1976 currency. I haven’t quite made up my mind as to whether I’ll do this or not. But I’ve been ruminating on the thought of using my favorite online inflation calculator to convert all those 1976 dollars into 2008 dollars. If I do go to the trouble of doing this, all those conversions will be seen as a link that will take you back to the calculator from which the conversions were made.
In this way if you don’t believe my conversions were accurate, you can run them for yourself to see if I goofed anywhere. All these links will be written to open up into their own window, so to get back to this site just close the window/tab you’re looking at after you’ve checked one of my conversions.
I’ve just had a very terrifying and scary thought. If all the good people over there at Radale Publishing didn’t bother to the convert the dollars of this 1961 book into 1976 currency, then that makes all my inflation conversions all wrong. And our country’s 2008 currency all the more worthless than it already was!
One last note. I’m posting these pages to this site with no one’s permission. I just figured that since this work is going on 49 years of age, that maybe The Rodale Press (the original copyright holder’s of this work) wouldn’t mind if I posted several chunks of it to this website.
But if for some reason the fine folk over at Radale don’t want any part of this work uploaded to the web, just contact us by any of the means found at the bottom of any page of this site, and all traces of the work will be wiped off this website within 24 ours or less!
How To Grow Vegetables & Fruits: Forward Part 1
How To Grow Vegetables & Fruits: Forward Part 2