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To Our "Selected Works of
Kurt Saxon & Other Fine Folk" Section |
Part One Of
An 1890 article by one of Stanley's pioneer
which proves that blacks were not stolen from Africa but were rescued.
This article was originally published in
The Century Magazine -- April, 1890.
All illustrations are from the original article.
The heart of Africa is being rapidly depopulated in
consequence of the enormous death-roll caused by the barbarous slave-trade. It
is not merely the bondage which slavery implies that should appeal to the
sympathies of the civilized world; it is the bloodshed, cruelty, and misery
which it involves.
During my residence in Central Africa I was repeatedly
traveling about in the villages along the Congo River and its almost unknown
affluents, and in every new village I was confronted by fresh evidences of the
horrible nature of this evil. I did not seek to witness the sufferings attendant
upon this traffic in humanity, but cruelties of all kinds are so general that
the mere passing visits which I paid brought me in constant contact with them.
It is not alone by the Arabs that slave-raiding is carried on
throughout Central Africa. With respect to slavery in the Congo Free State, the
western limit of the slave-raiding operations of the Arabs is the Aruwhimi
River, just below Stanley Falls, but intertribal slavery exists from this point
throughout the State to the Atlantic Ocean. During my six years' residence on
the Congo River I saw but little of the Arabs, and therefore in this article I
am detailing only my experiences bearing upon the subject of slavery among the
natives themselves.
I first went to the Congo in 1883, and traveled without delay
into the interior. Arriving at Stanley Pool, I received orders from my chief,
Mr. Henry M. Stanley, to accompany him up river on his little boat the En
Avant .. Stanley at that time was engaged in establishing a few posts at
important and strategic points along the upper river. Lukolela, eight hundred
miles in the interior, was one decided upon, and I had the honor of being
selected by him as chief of this post. As no white man had ever lived there
before, I had a great deal of work in establishing myself. The position selected
for our settlement was a dense forest, and until now it had been more familiar
with the trumpeting of elephants and the cry of the leopard than with human
beings. At first the natives rather objected to my remaining at all, and stated
their objections to Stanley. Said they: "We have promised to allow you to
put a white man here, but we have been talking the matter over, and we have
concluded it would be better to put your white man somewhere else. We, the
assembled chiefs, have held a council, and have come to the conclusion that it
is not desirable to have such a terrible creature in the district."
Stanley said: "Why, what is there in him that you object
to? You have never seen him." (I had not yet landed, being at that time
very sick and unable to leave the boat.)
They said, "No, we have not seen him, but we have heard
about him."
Stanley then said, "What have you heard about him?"
They replied: "He is half a lion, and half a buffalo;
has one eye in the middle of his forehead, and is armed with sharp, jagged
teeth; and is continually slaughtering and devouring human beings. Is this
Stanley answered them, "I did not know that he was such
a terrible creature; but I will call him, and let you judge for
Upon my appearing this illusion was immediately dispelled,
as, after suffering several days from an acute sickness, I really did not look
very formidable or bloodthirsty.
Here I lived for twenty months, the only white man, so that I
had every opportunity of studying native character and customs.
In order to place before the reader a picture of savage life
untouched by civilization, I could hardly do better than lightly sketch a
typical village at Lukolela as I have intimately known it. The whole district
contains about three thousand people, the land occupied by them extending along
the bank for two miles, the villages being dotted through this distance in
clusters of fifty or sixty houses. The houses are built on each side of one long
street or in open squares. They are roofed with either palm leaves or grass, the
walls being composed of split bamboo. Some of these dwellings contain two or
three compartments, with only one entrance; while others are long structures,
divided up into ten or twelve rooms, each with its own entrance from the
outside. At the back of these dwellings are large plantations of banana trees;
while above them tower the stately palm trees, covering street and hut with
their friendly shade.
It is in the cool of the early morning that the greater part
of the business of the village is transacted. Most of the women repair, soon
after six, to their plantations, where they work until noon, a few of them
remaining in the village to attend to culinary and other domestic matters. Large
earthen pots, containing fish, banana, or manioc, are boiling over wood fires,
around which cluster the young boys and girls and the few old men and women
enjoying the heat until the warm rays of the morning sun appear. Meanwhile the
fishermen gather up their traps, arm themselves, and paddle off to their fishing
grounds; the hunters take their spears or bows and arrows and start off to pick
up tracks of their game; the village blacksmith starts his fire; the adze of the
carpenter is heard busily at work; fishing and game nets are unrolled and
damages examined; and the medicine man is busy gesticulating with his charms. As
the sun rises the scene becomes more and more animated; the warmth of the fire
is discarded, and every department of industry becomes full of life--the whole
scene rendered cheerful by the happy faces and merry laughter of the little ones
as they scamper here and there engaged in their games.
At noon the overpowering heat of the tropical sun compels a
cessation of work, and a lazy quietude prevails everywhere. Then all the shady
nooks of the village are filled with groups who either sleep, engage in
conversation, or pass their time in hairdressing or in attending to some other
toilet matter which native etiquette demands, such as shaving off eyebrows or
pulling out eyelashes--an operation which is also extended to all hairs on the
face except those on the chin, which are plaited in the form of a rat's tail.
The closer the finger nails are cut, the more fashionable is it thought. At the
finger ends the nails are cut down to the quick, and any one posing as either
beau or belle always has some of the finger and toe nails pared entirely off.
The midday meal is now eaten, the whole village assuming an
air of calmness, broken only by the occasional bursts of boisterous mirth from
groups engaged in discussing the merits of the native wine.
All mankind have the same weakness in requiring at times
drink stronger than water. Nature has provided the African with the juice of the
palm tree, a most palatable beverage, resembling when fresh a very strong lemon
soda, but intoxicating in its effects. It is obtained in the following way: the
villagers in charge of this particular industry climb the tree, trim away some
of the leaves, and then bore three or four holes, about half an inch in
diameter, at the base of the frond, to the heart of the tree. From each of these
holes will flow each day about half a pint of juice, a small gourd being first
placed to receive it. The contents of these gourds are collected every morning.
This beverage is called by the natives malafu , and is well known to all
European travelers as palm wine.
Between three and four o'clock the village again resumes its
air of activity, which is kept up until sundown. In this region, being close to
the equator, the sun sets at six o'clock. All tools are put away, and work is
suspended. The fires are again lighted, mats are brought out and spread about,
and the principal meal of the day is eaten; after which the natives gather
around the fire again and talk over the events of the day and the plans for the
future. The young people repair to the open places and indulge in their native
dances until midnight.
This dancing at night is a sight to be remembered. The
performers arrange themselves in circles and dance in time to the beating of the
drums, which is their only accompaniment, and occasionally break out into native
songs. The surrounding tropical scenery stands outlined in bold relief, the
nearer trees occasionally catching the lurid light of the fires, which also
strikes on the gleaming bodies of the dancers, making a violent contrast of
light and shade, the whole scene being rendered impressive by the wild but
harmonious music.
At midnight, when all the villagers have retired to their
huts, stillness reigns, broken only at times by the weird call of a strange
bird, the cry of a prowling leopard or some other wild animal, and the varied
sounds of tropical insects.
This is a fair picture of the life carried on from day to day
in a hundred Congo villages, and but for the existence of slavery it would
continue undisturbed from one year's end to another. It is the presence of the
slave in the village that brutalizes the otherwise harmless and peaceful
community. It is the baneful influence that gives one man the power of life and
death over the wretch he has purchased that impels the savage instinct to spill
in executions and ceremonies the life-blood of the man, woman, or child he has
obtained--perhaps in exchange for a few brass rods or two or three yards of
Manchester cloth. Here at Lukolela, for instance, I had hardly settled down in
my encampment when I was introduced to one of those horrible scenes of bloodshed
which take place frequently in all the villages along the Congo, and which will
be enacted so long as the life of a slave is counted as naught, and the spilling
of his blood of as little account as that of a goat or a fowl.
In this particular instance the mother of a chief having
died, it was decided, as usual, to celebrate the event with an execution. At the
earliest streak of dawn the slow, measured beat of a big drum announces to all
what is to take place, and warns the poor slave who is to be the victim that his
end is nigh. It is very evident that something unusual is about to happen, and
that the day is to be given up to some ceremony. The natives gather in groups
and begin studiously to arrange their toilets, don their gayest loin-cloths, and
ornament their legs and arms with bright metal bangles, all the time indulging
in wild gesticulations and savage laughter as they discuss the coming event.
Having taken a hasty meal, they produce from their houses all available musical
instruments. The drums are wildly beaten as groups of men, women, and children
form themselves in circles and excitedly perform dances, consisting of violent
contortions of the limbs, accompanied with savage singing and with repeated
blasts of the war horns, each dancer trying to outdo his fellow in violence of
movement and strength of lung.
About noon, from sheer exhaustion, combined with the heat of
the sun, they are compelled to cease; when large jars of palm wine are produced,
and a general bout of intoxication begins, increasing their excitement and
showing up their savage nature in striking colors. The poor slave, who all this
time has been lying in the corner of some hut, shackled hand and foot and
closely watched, suffering the agony and suspense which this wild tumult
suggests to him, is now carried to some prominent part of the village, there to
be surrounded and to receive the jeers and scoffs of the drunken mob of savages.
The executioner's assistants, having selected a suitable place for the ceremony,
procure a block of wood about a foot square. The slave is then placed on this,
in a sitting posture; his legs are stretched out straight in front of him; the
body is strapped to a stake reaching up the back to the shoulders. On each side
stakes are placed under the armpits as props, to which the arms are firmly
bound; other lashings are made to posts driven into the ground near the ankles
and knees.
A pole is now planted about ten feet in front of the victim,
from the top of which is suspended, by a number of strings a bamboo ring. The
pole is bent over like a fishing-rod, and the ring fastened round the slave's
neck, which is kept rigid and stiff by the tension. During this preparation the
dances are resumed, now rendered savage and brutal in the extreme by the drunken
condition of the people. One group of dancers surround the victim and indulge in
drunken mimicry of the contortions of face which the pain caused by this cruel
torture forces him to show. But he has no sympathy to expect from this merciless
Presently in the distance approaches a company of two lines
of young people, each holding a stem of the palm tree, so that an arch is formed
between them, under which the executioner is escorted. The whole procession
moves with a slow but dancing gait. Upon arriving near the doomed slave all
dancing, singing, and drumming cease, and the drunken mob take their places to
witness the last act of the drama.
An unearthly silence succeeds. The executioner wears a cap
composed of black cocks' feathers; his face and neck are blackened with
charcoal, except the eyes, the lids of which are painted with white chalk. The
hands and arms to the elbow, and feet and legs to the knee, are also blackened.
His legs are adorned profusely with broad metal anklets, and around his waist
are strung wild-cat skins. As he performs a wild dance around his victim, every
now and then making a feint with his knife, a murmur of admiration arises from
the assembled crowd. He then approaches and makes a thin chalk mark on the neck
of the fated man. After two or three passes of his knife to get the right swing,
he delivers the fatal blow, and with one stroke of his keen-edged weapon severs
the head from the body.
The sight of blood brings to a climax the frenzy of the
natives: some of them savagely puncture the quivering trunk with their spears,
others hack at it with their knives, while the remainder engage in a ghastly
struggle for the possession of the head, which has been jerked into the air by
the released tension of the sapling. As each man obtains the trophy, and is
pursued by the drunken rabble, the hideous tumult becomes deafening; they smear
one another's faces with blood, and fights always spring up as a result, when
knives and spears are freely used. The reason for their anxiety to possess the
head is this: the man who can retain that head against all comers until sundown
will receive a present for his bravery from the head man of the village. It is
by such means that they test the brave of the village, and they will say with
admiration, speaking of a local hero, "He is a brave man; he has retained
two heads until sundown."
When the taste for blood has been to a certain extent
satisfied, they again resume their singing and dancing while another victim is
prepared, when the same ghastly exhibition is repeated. Sometimes as many as
twenty slaves will be slaughtered in one day. The dancing and general drunken
uproar is continued until midnight, when once more absolute silence ensues, in
utter contrast to the hideous tumult of the day.
I had frequently heard the natives boast of the skill of
their executioners, but I doubted their ability to decapitate a man with one
blow of the soft metal knives they use. I imagined they would be compelled to
hack the head from the body. When I witnessed this sickening spectacle I was
alone, unarmed, and absolutely powerless to interfere. But the mute agony of
this poor black martyr, who was to die for no crime, but simply because he was a
slave,--whose every piteous movement was mocked by frenzied savages, and whose
very death throes gave the signal for the unrestrained outburst of a hideous
carnival of drunken savagery,--appealed so strongly to my sense of duty that I
decided upon preventing by force any repetition of this scene. I made my
resolution known to an assembly of the principal chiefs, and although several
attempts were made, no actual executions took place during the remainder of my
stay in this district.
A few words are necessary to define the position of the
village chiefs as the most important factors in African savage life; especially
as in one way or another they are intimately connected with the worst features
of the slave system, and are responsible for nearly all the atrocities practiced
on the slave.
The so-called chiefs are the head men of a village, and they
rank according to the number of their warriors. The title of chieftain is not
hereditary, but is gained by one member of a tribe proving his superiority to
his fellows. The most influential chief in a village has necessarily the
greatest number of fighting men, and these are principally slaves, as the
allegiance of a free man can never be depended upon. A chief's idea of wealth
is--slaves. Any kinds of money he may have he will convert into slaves upon the
first opportunity. Polygamy is general throughout Central Africa, and a chief
buys as many female slaves as he can afford, and will also marry free
women--which is, after all, only another form of purchase.

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